Helsinki for all project

The Helsinki for All project was launched at the beginning of 2002. The impetus for it came from the council initiative made by Kalle and Maija Könkkölä. The management of the Public Works Department was highly committed to the accessibility work from the start. Raimo K Saarinen first promoted progress as the Head of the Street and Park branch, and when City Engineer Matti-Pekka Rasilainen retired in autumn 2010, Saarinen continued Rasilainen’s work as the new City Engineer and the advisory board chair. Matti-Pekka Rasilainen had been a highly visible promotor of work towards accessibility since 2002, while serving as the project’s advisory board chair.  

The goals of the Helsinki for All project included (City Board decision 15 October 2001) 

  • coordinating the implementation of the accessibility strategy and developing practices and operating models that promote accessibility for the City’s operations, according to the direction specified by the City Board 
  • creating a general and local accessibility plans for the City, as well as coordinating and maintaining a database, based on geographic data, in order to monitor accessibility projects 
  • submitting proposals on any funds and grants to be allocated to accessibility improvements and other separate projects that promote accessibility, and managing the practical aspects connected to the funds and grants allocated to projects, according to the decisions on how such funds and grants are to be allocated 
  • promoting cooperation between the City and various stakeholders in connection to accessibility.

Helsinki for all – project’s most important results: 

  • Accessible construction guidelines (SuRaKu)  
  • Type drawings of street areas, including accessibility criterias 
  • The City of Helsinki’s accessibility plan 
  • Regional Accessibility Plans 
  • Product development of accessible products, specially developing ramp curb stone 
  • Accessible symbols